Opportunities to take the perfect photo are rare and appear only time to time. One of these rare moments was too close to my hotel to be noticed in the first night while I was staying in London in 2007. It took couple of days until my son discovered the spot on the opposite site of the Sussex Gardens street and right in the front of our hotel entrance. We were to cross the street when he pointed out the pair of the famous British red phone booths standing there in the middle of the street neatly lined with the fence of bushes. Immediately I took my camera out my rucksack and shot couple of pictures.
Some time later I was arranging the travel photos at home and found the photos of the phone booths again. I quickly had an idea of a poster where the booths are clearly separated from the background to enhance their majestic appearance. So I manipulated the booths out of the photo with PhotoShop application leaving the cut-out on its own layer. The background was then turned into black and white resulting a gorgeous photo manipulation of the subject. I did some cropping to make the final poster vertical instead of the original horizontal shot. A text layer written with the legendary Cooper font for the title on the top finalized the project and gives it some touch of 1970’s.

Original photo

Retouched photo